Code of Conduct

The SWATNet Code of Conduct is established to foster common standards and principles of daily actions and interactions within this Innovative Training Network (ITN). It applies to all participants of SWATNet. Part of these rules are inspired by the University of Helsinki’s PhysHIP Wellbeing Group’s Kumpula Campus Code of Conduct1. The SWATNet Code of Conduct is formulated below under different themes.

Equal Opportunities

Creativity and innovations

  • We are open to new ideas and approaches in our research.
  • Supervisors allow students to apply versatile set of skills in their research.
  • Supervisors listen students own ideas and encourage their students for independent, innovative and creative thinking.
  • We apply our learning, skills and professional experience constructively for the benefit of all.
  • We seek to adopt alternative approaches in order to generate new thoughts and concepts.


  • We are open for new habits and try our best to adapt to different working environments.
  • We show flexibility and willingness to adapt.
  • Our mutual goal is to educate creative future experts who can work in variety of fields for the benefit of the society.
  • We aim to resolve potential conflicts in a discrete manner, respectfully and always keeping an open mind.
  • We appreciate hurdles and difficulties of PhD work and try to maintain positive attitude towards unpredictability, challenges and difficulties in the process.

Working habits

  • We always aim for scientific excellence and the pursuit pursuit for new knowledge.
  • We do not commit plagiarism, misinterpret or falsify data.
  • Whenever possible, we openly share our results and any knowledge that could benefit each other in our work or studies.
  • We respect the privacy and confidentiality of others work, including the confidentiality of information, documents and data.
  • Students keep their supervisors and other students up-to-date with the progress of their PhD work and key results.
  • Any feedback or criticism is offered constructively and respectfully, with the sole purpose being to spur or facilitate progress.
  • We react to criticism respectfully and constructively.
  • Both students and Supervisors carefully familiarise themselves with all relevant rules and regulations of SWATNet and Marie Curie ITN, and try their best to follow them.

Communications and interactions

  • We treat each other with tolerance, courtesy and mutual respect, and act professionally with regard to others
  • We strive for a sense of community and are supportive towards our colleagues.
  • We aim at avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Any issues are discussed openly, to the extent possible.
  • We do not take credit or the ideas and results of others.
  • We give credit to others for their contributions and plan our activities so that others can also contribute to them and be benefited by them.
  • We advise and guide each other where appropriate.
  • We respect the rights and sensibilities of others.


  • We strive for a healthy work-life balance.
  • Supervisors inform students for ways to seek assistance in both health and mental problems.
  • Both students and supervisors aim at openly discuss any issues that may arise, as early as possible.
  • Supervisors help students with practical work skills, such as time management and prioritising.