Project 1, Recruitment
Project description: This project advances the understanding of pre-eruptive configuration of flares and CMEs and uses newly acquired insight for prediction purposes. The key objectives are to 1) showcase physics central to eruption triggering, based on the physics of the predictor values and success in forecasting solar eruptions, 2) provide fully validated eruption forecasting methods based on these predictors and generic machine-learning prediction methods, 3) critically asses new developments to indicate the next level of solar-eruption-induced space weather forecasting.
More information of the project: Dr. Manolis Georgoulis (manolis.georgoulis (a) with with cc to Profs Spiros Patsourakos (spatsour (a) and Alexander Nindos (anindos (a)
Host: University of Ioannina/Academy of Athens, Greece.
Secondment Host: University of Sheffield, UK.
Industrial Training: Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation, Gyula Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory, Gyula, Hungary (solar observations, 1 month); Fluid Gravity Engineering, UK (3 months; numerical simulation).
Project specific requirements
Mobility rule: The applicant must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Greece for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the call deadline ( see details for the MSCA mobility rule here).
Required Skills: Background in advanced programming skills (IDL, Python, C++, or similar).
Desired Skills: Background in solar and/or space physics. Experience in the analysis of large datasets.
Host degree requirements: M.Sc. degree in physics or astrophysics, or mathematics. The successful candidate will have to be officially admitted to the University of Ioannina Doctoral Program.
Secondment host degree requirements: MSc degree or equivalent in applied maths or in a related field (primarily physics or astronomy; other science or engineering degrees may be marginally admissible) with a grade of about 70 % or above. Applicants still pursuing their MSc studies should obtain their degree before starting. The candidate has to be officially admitted to PhD studies at Sheffield University. For more detailed information aboout the admission process see here.
Host language requirement: Certificate of adequate knowledge of at least one official language of the European Union (preferably English).
Secondment host language requirement: See University of Sheffield language requirements from here.
Send your application: Send your application to Manolis Georgoulis (manolis.georgoulis (a), Spiros Patsourakos (spatsour (a) and Alexander Nindos (anindos (a)