Project 2
Project description: This project assesses the axial magnetic field of CMEs for forecasting purposes by gathering available observational modeled quantities of source active regions at the Sun. The overarching principle for this assesment is the conservation of magnetic helicity accumulated in active regions and transferred to CMEs upon launch.
More information of the project: Dr. Manolis Georgoulis (manolis.georgoulis (a) with with cc to Profs Spiros Patsourakos (spatsour (a) and Alexander Nindos (anindos (a)
Host: University of Ioannina/Academy of Athens, Greece.
Secondment Host: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland.
Industrial Training: Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation, Gyula Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory, Gyula, Hungary (solar observations, 1 month), Instituto Pedro Nunes IPN (3 months; methodologies of innovation).