SWATNet has started
The project SWATNet officially started March 1st 2021!
We had our Kick – Off meeting online 22-23 March. It was two days of intensive zooming with all academic and industrial partners attending to the meeting.
On Monday we first introduced ourselves and then the Coordinator Emilia gave the overview presentation of the project and we discussed management and general rules of this type of the training network (which are many!).
After that Manolis, Stefaan and Dario presented the scientific work packages. There are three of them in SWATNet and they cover the processes from Sun to Earth, and timescales from seconds related to solar eruptions to several solar cycles. The projects for students are all tackling very current and interesting research problems using various cutting edge techniques.
Tuesday was reserved for discussing outreach/dissemination and training. Leading companies in the field that offer training for SWATNet students presented themselves.
Finally we had a very instructive discussion session with our Project Officer Roxane.
We are all looking forward working in this Consortium!